-wa1 suf. 1. passive (fut. passive -na; may be added to intransitive and transitive verbs to derive
intransitives; no agentive phrase is allowable; ex.: mahtawa, is being taught; mahtawak, was being
taught; mahtana, will be being taught) 2. there is/are (essive; added to nouns); U em uusi chea nuvuhti
mahtawa. Your child is being taught more. Tusoneu pahkowa. There is a ceremony in Tucson.
-wa2 suf. possessive suffix (added to nouns marked by the possessor marker a ‘her/his/its’; this suffix
precedes the objective marker -ta); A sailawata ne vitne. I will see his younger brother.
-wa’apo suf. the place where (usually attaches to a reduplicated verb; ex.: hi’ibwawa’apo, eating place;
e”eusiwa’apo, hideout/hiding place; kokkowa’apo, sleeping place; hita bwabwasawa’apo, eating place
-wame suf. thing(s)/one(s) being verbed (ex.: nu’uwame, things being procured; etbwawame, stolen
thing or things); cf. -kame, -me
-wi suf. var. of -u (resp.); A: Uusim hakunsa sahak? B: Vatwewi. A: Where did the children go? B: To
the river.
wa’a pn. that
-wa’apo suf. the place where (usually attaches to a reduplicated verb; ex.: hi’ibwawa’apo, eating place;
e”eusiwa’apo, hideout/hiding place; kokkowa’apo, sleeping place; hita bwabwasawa’apo, eating place
Wa’emam n. Guaymas
wa’akta tv. step over
wa’akte iv. open mouth (wa’akti-, wawa’akte); cf. waawakte
wa’am(i) adv. there (var. wam)
wa’itopit n. salamander, gecko
wa’ivil n. small turtle sp.
waacha tv. dry (wachá’a-, wawacha)
waakas n. 1. cow 2. meat, beef; U paros wakas chea kia tavu wakasta vepa; paaros chea huy
oregano chea ousia bwabwa’e vetchi’ivo. The meat of the jackrabbit is tastier than that of the cottontail
rabbit because the jackrabbit eats a lot of wild oregano.
waake iv. dry out, dry up (wak-, wawake)
waaket pn. that one (obj. wakaket, pl. wameket); ~ tu’i. That one is good. Huan wakaket nu’uka. John
took that one. Aapo wameket bwa’aka. S/he ate those ones.
waante iv. run (sg.; syn. vuite; pl. tenne; ~-); tompo ~, have a stomach ache; Ne kovo ~. My head aches.
Ne mam ~. My hand(s) hurt. Hamut kovo ~. The woman has a headache.
waari n. basket
waaria n. barracks, police station
waasa n. field
Waasimam n. Las Guasimas
waata tv. want, desire (~-, wawwa’ata)
kaveta ~ tv. ignore/snub/dislike (syn. ka yee waata)
wáate iv. think of, remember (d.o. = au; waati-, wewáate); Au ne waawatek. I remembered it. Au ne
wawatek. I was thinking about it. Huan a malawau ~. John is remembering his daughter.
waáte pn. others, some (people); ~ avo kaáte. Others are coming. Inepo ~m vicha. I see the others. ~
wanna’avo kaáte. Some people are coming from that other side.
waátem pn. more; Ne ketun ~. I want more.
wáateme n. one who remembers; a hitau ~, one with a good memory
waatia tv. want (~-, wawwatiawa)
waatiawa n., iv. 1. n. desire, want 2. iv. be wanted
waatimachi iv. able to remember; Ke ne au ~. I can’t seem to remember it. Ka ne enchi au waaticmahia.
I thought you would never remember it.
waatiwame n. memory (with au)
waawa tv. roast in coals (wawá-)
waawakte iv. be yawning
wacha’a- comb. of waacha, dry
wacha’i n. dried
Waehma n. Lent
Waehma Mecham n. the Lenten season
Waehma pahko n. a household ceremony sponsored by a family during Lent to fill a vow, involving
feeding many of the villagers and ceremonial people (syn. Senyorta pahko)
waevas n. a bird sp.
wah comb. waasa, field
~ hi’u n. spinach
~ kuu’u n. cultivated agave
~ wechia n. abandoned fields
wahi n. Matachin rattle
wahiwa adv. var. of waiwa, inside
wahreo n. field hand, agricultural worker
wahu supem n. underwear
wahuwa postp. var. of waiwa, inside of
wai1 n. younger sister or brother (fem.)
wai2 pn. that
~ ve’emu n. that long, that far (from one point to another)
~ veppani adj. that size
waichi adv., interj. 1. adv. (towards) around there 2. interj. go over there! (said to divert a whirlwind or dust
devil, while crossing one’s index finger and thumb, waving hand back and forth)
waihuiwa n. condition where a child senses another child in the womb of mother and cries (Sp. chipili)
waik num. pair (with emo)
emo ~ exp. they’re a pair
waim comb. setp- (with kin terms)
~ achai n. stepfather
~ ae n. stepmother
~ maala n. stepmother
~ maara n. stepdaughter
~ uusi n. stepson
waimak pn. with that
wain(a) adv. 1. over there, from over there 2. from/on that side (var. wainavo; s.; = wanna’avo); Inim ~
emou kom yaaha. They come over here to you. Sea mochala awa ~ se vuite (s.). With a cluster of
flowers on your antler, you come running from that side.
wainavo adv. var. of waina (sense 2)
wait out there; cf. waitana; ~ naa weye, walking around out there
waitana n. (from/along the) other side (var. wait)
~ Tuson n. 39th Street Bario (Tucson)
waivas n. guayabon (a plant sp.)
waiwa postp. inside of (var. wahiwa, wahumwa); karipo ~, inside the house; Haisa u kannao siki ~? Is
the pomegranite red inside?
~ supem n. underwear
waiwanola adv. dangling (with cha’aka)
waka pn. that (obj. of wa’a; emph. waka’a); A: ~ neu toha. B: Hita? A: Waka’a. A: Bring me that one. B:
Which? A: That one.
waka comb. of waakas, cow
~ chuktireo n. butcher
~ veá n. cowhide; Waka veáta vekta, chomota yavaekai. The cowhide is being scraped to make a
waka’anama iv. crawl (intentionally; waka’anam-, waka’ananama); cf. sunsunte, vo’osime, waka’ate
waka’ate iv. crawl (because of inability to walk; cf. waka’anama; waka’ati-, wawaka’ate)
wakahipi’ikim n. cow’s milk
wakapoponi n. shredded meat, carne seca
wakas chuktireo n. butcher (syn. peotireo)
wakasek iv. have cattle
wakasim n. cattle
wakavaki n. meat and vegetable stew
wakawacha’i n. jerky
waki bwia n. arid lands
wakia adj. dry (pst. ~kan, wak-, wawakia)
wakila adj. 1. skinny, lean, weak, withered, frail 2. Father Time (Death personified as a skeleton) (var.
wakiltu iv. get skinny (~-)
wakin in: im wakin, over here; Aapo im ~ yeu yepsak. He came over here.
wako’i n. grill, comal
Waluupe n. Guadalupe (var. Waruupe)
wam adv. var. of wa’am(i), there
~ vicha adv. towards over there, beyond; karipo ~ vicha, toward or beyond the house
-wame suf. thing(s)/one(s) being verbed (ex.: nu’uwame, things being procured; etbwawame, stolen
thing or things); cf. -kame, -me
wamcha adv. there about
wamsu adv. over there
wana adv. from the side there; A: Larry ~ weye. B: Hauvotana? A: Wana’a. A: Larry is coming. B: From
what direction? A: From that side.
wana’a adv. there (emph.)
wanna’avo adv. on/from the other side, on/from that side (s.l. waina; cf. amae, aman(i), inivo); Kawim ~
hoak. He lives on the other side of the mountain.
wanna’avotana adv. far side
wannavo adv. var. of wanna’avo
wantem n. gloves
wantaroa iv. suffer from (from = d.o.); Tatariata te ~. We are suffering from the heat.
wante iv. ache, hurt (body part; wanti-, wanwante); Ne kutana ~. I have a sore throat.
wantia n. sickness, pain
wanwoochim n. burlap
Wapa’im n. a mountain near Vikam
Warahio n. Guarajio Indians
wasu’uwila n. plant sp. (cure for pottila)
wasukte iv. become a year
wasuktia n. year
~ sikamtachi adv. during the past year
~ yuma iv. be the anniversary
wasuwasukteka adv. for years; Vempo hani ~ hiapsine tea. They say that they will live for years.
wata n. willow (especially Salix gooddingi, which is cultivated around houses for shade)
wata’akuli n. a lizard sp.
watakte iv. prepare for a trip (with yeu)
watanimpo adv. (at) nine o’clock (syn. nuevempo)
watiawame n. one who is loved
watta tv. 1. take off (clothes) 2. throw (with -po; ~-, watwatta)
yeu ~ tv. throw out
watte iv. 1. fall down (with kom; pl. subj.; sg. weche) 2. return (pl. subj.; sg. wechise; watti-, watwatte);
Teetam kom watwatte. (Look out for) falling rocks.
heeka ~ iv. expell phlegm
kawimmeu ~ iv. return to the mountains
wawá- comb. of waawa, roast in coals
wawaate rdp. of wáate, think of
wattila adj. fallen down
vasou ~, iv. be free to do as one pleases (when the cat’s away, the mice will play; lit. fallen to the grass)
wawai n. cousin
wawaim n. kin; si’ime ~, all of one’s kin
wawaira n. cousins, clan, extended family
wawairi cousins
wawatitua tv. remind
wawwa’ata rdp. of waata, want
we’epo exp. in: senu ~, at once (in a single instant)
we’epul(ai) num. one, just one (var. wepul); cf. seenu, senu; Wepul chiva au ta’aruk. One goat got lost.
Huan wepul ayam hamtak. John broke one rattle. Aapo wepul tahkaim kom tatavek. She dropped one
tortilla. Chikti si’ime wepulai venasia nau tekipanoa. All will work together as one (bill board slogan).
weama iv. walk (sg.; pl. rehte, naa kaáte; weam-, wee-, weweama; var. weyema, s.l. welama); Sewa
huya yeu ne weevalika… yeu ne sika (s.l.). As I walk along in the flowered wilderness…, I go out. Aapo
huya hikut ~. S/he’s in the top of the tree. Kari hikut ~. S/he’s on top of the house. U mochik lauti
weweama. The turtle goes along slowely. Tasairapo te huyapo weweama. In the summer we usually go
on hikes. Hakunsa weama? Where is s/he?
kia ~ iv. stroll, take a walk
weamtua tv. drive (vehicle), make walk (child); aa karota ~, be able to drive a car
weche 1. iv. fall down 2. tv. fall on (on = d.o.) (sg.; cf. wechi’ise; pl. watte; pst. wetchuk, wet-,
weweche); Ne hiva yu weweche. I’m always falling down. Vatte karit wechek. It almost fell on the
kiasi eu ~ iv. hit the spot (satisfy)
ko’okoe ~ iv. take sick/get sick
mampo ~ iv. be in the control of; U o’ou vem mampo wechek. The man is in their control.
tu’isi eu weche iv. 1. respond to medication 2. come to understand, acquire a taste for; Tu’isi neu
wechek. I responded to the medication/ I acquired a taste for it.
vaa’am kom ~ n. waterfall;
wechia n., iv. 1. n. fallen 2. iv. be fallen down (other tenses like weche; syn. kottia); Huan senu ~po
na’asom bwa’asuk. John ate the orange all at once. Heka ~. The ramada is fallen down. Sapti ~. The
wall has fallen down. Teecho ~. The roof has caved in (syn. Vepa ~).
senu ~po, all at once
wechi’ise iv. be in the process of falling down, fall down (with kom; sg. subj.; used only for present tense;
cf. weche; pl. subj. watte) 2. return (sg.; pl. watte); huyau ~, return to the wilds; Huyau ~ka siika wa
maaso, ka into nottivaeka véa siika. The deer went to enter the wilderness, never to return.
wechila adj. fallen
kom ~ adj. fallen down
wee1- comb. of weye, go/walk
wee2 comb. of wee’e, amaranth
~ vannaim n. amaranth pudding
wee’e n. amaranth, pigweed (especially Amaranth palmeri)
wéemta iv. be new (recent; ~-); cf. vemela
wéeme exp. in: senu ~, in other words/in another vein
wéeneme n. current affairs (in: ian ~, what is going on now)
weero n. light in complection
weesime iv. be going (sg.; pl. katchaka)
wéetua tv. drive, steer (vehicle), back up (vehicle); aa karota ~, be able to drive a car
weiya tv. 1. take, carry 2. act, carry out 3. conduct, guide, lead 4. take through a procedure (pl. obj.; cf.
toha; ~-, weweiya)
ka tu’i vo’ota ~ iv. be on the wrong track
tu’i voo’ota ~ iv. be following the good road (lead a good life)
weiyawa iv., n. 1. iv. be carried out 2. n. way something is carried out, style u masobwikame ~, the way
of carrying out deer singing
welema iv. go, walk (s. = weama)
welisia adv. in: nat ~, ala in all (in making a conclusion)
wepe’im n. hips
wepu’ulai pn. one, only, single (var. wepul; syn. senu is used in counting; ~ venasi nau tekipanoa,
working together as one; ~k ne maka. Give me just one. Wepul taa’ata ya’ane. Draw one sun.
wepul n. var. of we’epul(ai), one; ~ hiosiata ne maka. Give me a flower. ~ choki kalalipapati aane. One
star is twinkling.
wepulsi adv. once (one repetition)
wepultakana adv. on one side
weri iv. be related to; nemak ~, related to me
wetchime iv. stumble
wetchuk iv. pst. of weche, fall
wet- comb. of weche, fall (sg.)
wetepo’i n. gnat
weweamtuame n. driver (vehicle; syn. maniheo)
weweri n. relatives, kin; Vempo nau ~. They’re all related.
weye iv. go, walk (sg.; var. wee; pl. kaáte; pst. ~n, wée-, weweye); U hamut vat wee. The lady is going
first. Aet chukula maaso kechia yeu weevae. Later the deer wants to go out (after the first song).
Heewi, pues ne weevae. Well, I guess I’ll be going. Nu su véa ama weye=tea. That’s what goes in it
(ritual, prayer, song, etc.). Katin Peo sehtul ama wam weeka a vichaktia. They say that Peter saw it
once going around. Heewi pues ne weevae. Well, I’ll be going running along (on leave taking).
ama ~ iv. belong, fit in, go in a certain place; Hunu etehoi ama weye. That story fits in there.
karopo ~ iv. go by car
trenpo ~ iv. go by train
utte’a ~ iv. speed
va’apo ~ iv. go by boat
wikitpo ~ iv. fly, go by airplane
weyek iv. standing (sg.; pl. ha’abwek; pst. ~an); cf. kikte
weyekte iv. walk, takes steps (pl. kiktekte)
weyema iv. var. of weama, walk
weyeme n. custom, tradition; culture (anthropological sense)
-wi suf. var. of -u (resp.); A: Uusim hakunsa sahak? B: Vatwewi. A: Where did the children go? B: To
the river.
wi’ika n. digging stick
wi’ira adv. drooping, sagging
~ cha’aka iv. be drooping
wi’ita tv. spin (thread)
wi’ite iv. make thread, be spinning
wi’okta tv. 1. unroll 2. take apart(~-, wiwi’okta); cf. veakta
wicha n. chips, splinters, kindling, thorn
wicha’apoi n. bullheads, goat heads (Tribulus terrestris; syn. chiva kovam, toorom)
wicha’arakim n. slingshot
wichakame n. 1. thistle 2. porcupine
wichalakas n. 1. cardinal (bird) 2. a Pascola song/dance played during kompaniya
wichik n. elf owl
wicho’e n. a plant sp.
wihhu’ute iv. carry on arm or back (wihhu’uti-, wiwihhu’ute)
wihhu’utiria n. yoke
wihta tv. 1. sprinkle (re; particulate matter) 2. spin a firedrill to make fire (~-, wiwihta)
wihte iv. sprinkle (re: particulate matter; wihti-, wiwihte)
wii’i n. thread
wiike tv. 1. pull, stretch 2. draw, attract a crowd 3. ring church beel (wiik-, no rdp.); cf. wike, wikema;
Vailam yee nau ~. A dance draws people.; Si senuk mukuk u kampaani wiikwa. If someone dies, the
church bell is rung.
yeu ~ tv. take it out/extricate
wiikit n. bird (gen.)
wiikwa iv. be rung (bell)
wiilo n. ksinny person
wiiru n. turkey vulture
wiivis n. a bird sp.
Wíkapam n. the Maypole Dance
wike tv. 1. take it out, extract (with yeu) 2. rub down (wik-, wiike); cf. wiike; Maala nee mam ~k. My
mother rubbed my arm down.
wikema iv. be pulling; wiikema, keep on pulling
wikia n. string, rope, cord
wikiria dv. owe; a ~ tawa, remain in debt; Aapo nee mamni peesom ~. S/he owes me five dollars. Inepo
tomita a ~n. I owed her/him some money.
wikiriame n. debtor
wikiriawame n. 1. debt 2. state of being in debt
wikit bwikam n. bird songs
wikit woki n. an edible wild green (lit. bird tracks)
wiko’i n. bow (weapon; s. wikoli)
Wiko’i Ya’ut n. Coyote Society
wikoli n. bow (s.; = wiko’i)
wikopa’a n. maypole dance
wikosa n. belt, waist
wikosam n. breechclout strings
wiksime tv. drag (~-, wiwiksime); Hamut kutata ~. The woman is dragging the stick.
wikui n. cachora (lizard sp.)
wilohko adj. delicate, thin, weak (people, animals); cf. vahviolai
winhuva adj. sweet smelling; Sewam ~. The flowers smell good.
winhuvasi(a) adv. sweetly; Ume kanteelam ~ veete. The candles are burning sweetly (giving off a
pleasant odor).
wiroa n. vine (gen.)
wiroavakot n. vine snake
wisa’e n. large wooden cooking spoon
witalai adj. narrow (thin strip)
wite’eria tv. trap by netting (~-)
wite’i n. net, snare
witosa n. spider web, cobweb
witta tv. make a straight line (~-, wiwitta); U yoem yop’owe kutae ~k. The old man made a straight line
with a stick.
witte iv. draw lines, write, make symbols (witti-, wiwitte)
witti adv., adj. 1. adv. straight, straight ahead 2. adj. correct(ed); Im luula ~ weene. Go straight through
here. I voo’o ~ vo’oka. The road leads straight there. U hiosia ~. There’s a lot of corrections on the
witti nooka iv. talk straight
wituam n. charred bones
wi’ukta tv. swallow (~-, wiwi’ukta)
wi’ukte iv. swallow (wi’ukti-, wiwi’ukte)
wíuta tv. wave (~-, wíuwiuta)
wiúta tv. 1. tear down, demolish 2. spend (~-, wiwiúta); tomita ~, spend money; karita ~, tear a house
Wivisim n. Huirivis
wo’i n. coyote; Woi ~ wo’olim wokim wo’oke. Two coyote twins scratching their legs (tongue twister).
~ bwikam n. Coyote songs
~ chomo n. Coyote dancer headgear (syn. ~ hiisa)
~ minai n. a plant sp. (lit. coyote melon)
~ sonim n. Coyote songs for pursuing the Deer
~ Yi’iwame n. Coyote dance (a Yoeme military society in which men are pledged as young boys to
defend the Yoeme nation and initiated with a tobacco smoking ritual)
wo’oke tv. scratch (wok-, wowo’oke)
wo’okte iv. sink (in dirt, sand, or mud; wo’okti-; cf. ropte)
wo’olim n. twins (affectionate)
wo’orim n. twins; Senu huena, senu into tuu hiapsek. One is mean, while the other is good hearted
(said of twins). Woi wo’i ~ wokim wo’oke. Two coyote twins scratching their legs (tongue twister).
wo’ota tv., iv. 1. throw out 2. iv. spill out; separate (couple) (wo’oti-, woowo’ota); Aapo vaaa’am yeu ~.
She threw out the water. Váchiam yeu ~k. S/he accidentally threw out the seeds. Maria into Hose emo
~k. Mary and Joe got divorced. Emo ~k. The two of them separated.
wo’ote iv. 1. be spilled, strewn 2. be left by one’s spouse (wo’oti-, woowo’ote)
wo’oti adj. spilled, strewn
wohana tv. dodge, try to get away from (wohan-, wohanna)
wohanria tv. avoid, dodge (~-)
wohmamni num. ten
~ ama mamni num. fifteen
~ ama naiki num. fourteen
~ ama senu num. eleven
~ ama vahi num. thirteen
~ ama vatani num. nineteen
~ ama vusani num. sixteen
~ ama wohnaiki num. eighteen
~ ama woi num. twelve
~ ama wovusani num. seventeen
~ taka num. two hundred
~ mpo adv. (at) ten o’clock (syn. diesempo)
~ sia adv. ten times
wohnaiki num. eight
~mpo adv. (at) eight o’clock (syn. ochompo)
~sia adv. eight times
wohokta tv. punch, drill hole (~-, wohowohokta)
wohokte iv. get a hole (wohokti-, wohowohokte)
wohoktila adj. pierced, punctured
woi num. two
~ tomi n. quarter (coin)
woi vahi adj. several (obj. woika vahika); Waka woika vahika lutu’uriata ket inen kechia, eme a
waata. It is these several truths you want. Imin te yeu te hoteka, woika vahika sea hipetampo yeu te
hoteka (s.). Over here we sit out, several on the flower mat, sitting out.
woikatana adv. on both sides
woimpo adv. (at) two o’clock
woisia adv. twice, two times
woita tv. untie (~-, woiwoita)
woiwe adv. in two parts; ~ ama aayuk. There’s two aspects to this.
wok comb. of wokim, feet/legs
~ chava’i, n. calf (leg)
~ hiapsi, n. sole
~ himari, n. a game like soccer
~ himawame, n. a game like soccer
~ koreo n. relay runner, messenger
~ kuria, iv. 1. tangle one’s feet 2. trip over one’s own feet
~ move’i, n. top of foot
~ ota, n. leg/foot bones
~ pusiam, n. toe
~ sutum, n. toenail
~ tate, n. tendon, nerves (of leg or foot)
~ techuniam, n. grime (foot)
~ tomam, n. calf muscles
~ tuaka n. pine cone
~ Vake’o, n. Walking Cowboy
~ veta’i, n. instep, sole (loc. wok veta’aku)
~ voo’o, n. trail, foot path, path
wokek iv. have legs, feet
wokim n. feet, legs (s. wole)
wokita hoa tv. take a step (slightly archaic in usage)
wokkoi n. mourning dove
wokkoi aaki n. a cactus sp.
wokla n. footprint, track; cf. chepti
wokleo n. infantry soldier, trooper
woko n. pine (tree; Pinus spp.)
~ taaka n. pine cone
wokovavase’ela n. swallow (bird)
wokte1 tv. track (wokti-, wokwokte); ouseita ~, track a mountain lion
wokte2 iv. put on pants (~, wookte); karsetiinim ~, put on socks; Aapo aana ~k. S/he dressed
wokti n. step
woktesime iv. tread
woktua tv. dress someone
wokwante iv. pain (foot, leg)
wole n. legs (s.; = wokim); ~kame, one having legs
womta tv. scare, frighten, startle, astonish (~-, womwomta)
womte iv. be frightened, astonished (womti-, womwomte)
womtia n. sickness (from fright)
womtila adj. frightened
womtiwame n. surprise, astonishment, wonder
woo’o n. mosquito
woo’ochi n. grasshopper
wooho’oria n. hole
wooki n. foot, hoof, paw
~ haiwa, tv. track; Aman em a wooki haiwa. You are tracking it.
wookte rdp. of wokte2, put on pants
woora n. cap
woosa adv. twice
wootovoli s. var. of wotovo
wotovo n. a shrub with white flowers (Cardia parvifolia; s. wootovoli)
wotte iv. in: ka ~, be reserved, taciturn (stem does not occur alone; wooti-, wotwotte)
wovusani num. seven
wovusanimpo adv. (at) seven o’clock
wovusanisia adv. seven times