-ra suf. characterized by (var. -‘a; derives nouns from nouns and verbs; a noun this suffix is added to may
reduplicate the last vowel; the -r- maya be dropped; ex.: tiiwe, be (shy -> tiura, shyness; kova, head ->
kova’ara, big-headed)
-re suf. feel (var. -le); Tatare ne. I feel hot (var. tatale ne).
-reo suf. agentive (var. -leo; ex.: tekiapanoareo, worker; kuchureo, fisherman; masoreo, hunter;
amureo, hunter; hi’ioleo, cook; ahpareo, harpist; etleo, farmer; panareo, baker)
-ri suf. var. of -i, resultative (ex. ya’ari, made)
-ria1 suf. applicative-benefactive marker (turns intransitive verbs into transitives, and transitive verbs into
ditransitives; verbs derived with this suffix do not vary their shape when other suffixes are added; ex.:
tapuna, get full -> tapunia, fill it -> tapuniaria, fill it for someone; eecha, plant it -> etria, plant for
someone); cf. -tia
-ria2 suf. quality of (forms nouns from adjectives or nouns; var. -ia; ex.: seve, cold -> severia, coldness;
o’ou, man -> o’owia, masculinity)
-roka suf. say (that one intends to do something), offer to do; Maala paanim hinuroka. Mother said she
wants to buy bread. Hose aavo kom yeihroka. Joe wants to come down. weiyaroka, offer to take;
hi’ibwatuaroka, offer to feed
-ra suf. characterized by (var. -‘a; derives nouns from nouns and verbs; a noun this suffix is added to may
reduplicate the last vowel; the -r- maya be dropped; ex.: tiiwe, be (shy -> tiura, shyness; kova, head ->
kova’ara, big-headed)
ra’ati adv. sound of something brittle clanging
raadio n. radio
Raahum n. Rahum (comes from rahukte, become hard from evaporation)
raaya n. groove; Veáta tu’uteteko se’eta ka sauwane bwe’ituk ~m hunk ya’ane. In cleaning the skin,
you can’t use sand because you will make grooves (in the skin).
rahukte iv. become hard from evaporation (with nama
rama n. ramada (syn. heka)
Ramos n. Palm Sunday
rancheo n. rancher
rancho n. ranch
rahukte iv. cake, dry out (food; rahukti-)
rauta tv. rinse (~-, raurauta)
ravikte iv. twist ankle (ravikti-, no rdp.)
-re suf. feel (var. -le); Tatare ne. I feel hot (var. tatale ne).
reata n. lariat
reemam n. oar, paddle
reepam n. earring
regaalo n. gift, present
rehte iv. walking (pl.; sg. weama; rehti-, rerehte); Itepo tasariapo huyapo rerehte. In the summer we go
rei n. king
reina n. queen
relikia n. relic
rema wiike tv. row (boat)
remoa tv. alternate (~-, reremoa)
remta tv. look at, watch (~-, remremta)
remte iv. open one’s eyes (remti-, remremte)
rentaroa tv. rent
-reo suf. agentive (var. -leo; ex.: tekiapanoareo, worker; kuchureo, fisherman; masoreo, hunter;
amureo, hunter; hi’ioleo, cook; ahpareo, harpist; etleo, farmer; panareo, baker)
repikte iv. blink eyes (repikti-, repirepikte)
repooyo n. cabbage
restaurante n. restaurant
retraato n. photograph
retratoroa tv. photograph (syn. nu’e)
reuwa tv. loan, borrow (reuw-, rereuwa); Tu’isi ne em siya reuwne. Let me borrow your chair. Empo em
siya nee reuwak. You loaned me your chair. Mesata chuvala nee reuwa. Let me borrow the table for a
while. Inepo tomita Hoseta reuwak. I loaned money to Joe.
revarua n. yeast
revei n. piece
revekta tv. crumble (ex.: bread, clods, adobes, old bricks; ~-, reverevekta)
revekte iv. be crumbling, cracking (revekti-, reverevekte)
revektia adj. crumbled
reverevekti adv. piece by piece, piecemeal
~ weche iv. fall apart/fall to pieces
rewi’ise iv. go to borrow (sg.; pl. rewi’ivo)
-ri suf. var. of -i, resultative (ex. ya’ari, made)
-ria1 suf. applicative-benefactive marker (turns intransitive verbs into transitives, and transitive verbs into
ditransitives; verbs derived with this suffix do not vary their shape when other suffixes are added; ex.:
tapuna, get full -> tapunia, fill it -> tapuniaria, fill it for someone; eecha, plant it -> etria, plant for
someone); cf. -tia
-ria2 suf. quality of (forms nouns from adjectives or nouns; var. -ia; ex.: seve, cold -> severia, coldness;
o’ou, man -> o’owia, masculinity)
rihhu’utiam n. deer hoof belt
rihrihti adv. var. of lilihti, sparsely
rii’itia iv. jingling
Riingo n. Anglo
rikora n. rich
Ringo comb. of Riingo, Anglo
~ Bwia n. the United States of America
~ noka iv. speak English
~ noki n. the English language
ripte iv. pinkeye, have eye infection (ripti-, ripripte)
ripti n. blind person
riptiam n. pinkeye
riuma n. rheumatism
riuta tv. fracture (~-, riuriuta); Apo wok otata ~k. S/he fractured their leg bone.
riute iv. fracture (in process of fracturing; riuti-, riuriute); Ota ~k. The bone was fractured.
riutia adj. fractured
ro’iro’ikti adv. limping
ro’akta tv. roll up (~-, ro’aro’akta)
ro’akte iv. be rolling, tumbling (ro’akti-, ro’aro’akte)
ro’aro’akteme n. acrobat (syn. maromeo)
rohikte iv. 1. be sad, lonely, bored (of = nea, ea, ae, etc.) 2. miss a person or place (rohikti-, rohirohikte)
rohiktiachi adj. 1. boring 2. sad
roira a desert shrub with small orange berries (Lycium andersoni; var. roiya)
roiya n. var. of roira
-roka suf. say (that one intends to do something), offer to do; Maala paanim hinuroka. Mother said she
wants to buy bread. Hose aavo kom yeihroka. Joe wants to come down. weiyaroka, offer to take;
hi’ibwatuaroka, offer to feed
roosa n. rose
roovo n. wolf
ropeo n. closet
roppo’otiam n. maypole
ropropte iv. be sinkable, submergible
ropte iv. sink, submerge, drown (ropti-, ropropte); roptivae, one the verge of drowning/sinking
roptihinek adj. covered (with cloth)
roptila adj. sunk (in water; cf. tuttila)
rovoi adj. rounded
rovou hoo’ok adj. hunchbacked (syn. lochi)
ru’uru’uti adv. thunderingly
ru’uru’utia iv. be thundering (ru’uru’utiu-, ru’uru’uti hihia)
ruenasim n. peach (syn. rurahno)
ruera n. 1. wheel 2. steering wheel
rukta tv. move (~-, rukrukta); Puatota ne ~k. I moved the door.
ruktatu iv. movable (not used alone)
aa ~ iv. be movable
ka ~ iv. be immovable
rukte iv. move, stir (rukti-, rukrukte); Ime ne ~k. I moved over here.
aavo ~ iv. approach, get close
rukti adj. moved (closer); U mesa avo heela ~. The table was moved closer (to use).
ruktiwame n. act of moving closer
rumui n. uneven
rupakte iv. blazing (rupakti-, ruparupakte)
rupaktiam n. flames
rurahno n. peach (syn. ruenasim)
~ ouwo n. peach tree
~ váchia n. peach pit
rurumui n. rough ground
rutukte iv. straighten out (rutukti-, ruturutukte); Wokim ne ~vae. I’m straightening out my legs.
ruura n. rue (leaves are warmed in a small amount of olive oil, and the solution is applied to ear for
ruuse tv. 1. rub 2. scrub (rurus-, ruruse); mamam ~, rub one’s hands together; Inepo in ili asoa
rurussek. I rubbed down my little boy.
ruutia iv. 1. bang, explode, growl (stomach) 2. roar (train, rain, thunder, sea) (pst. ruutihiak, ruutihiu-,