-pat postp. in front of, ahead of (with motion; paradigm: inepat, eepat, aapat, itopat, emopat,
amepat); Aapo inepat weyen. S/he was walking ahead of me.
-pea suf. usually want to (habitual desiderative)
-po1 suf. locative suffix with four distinct uses
1. in, at (ex. karipo, in/at the house)
2. from; Mumum woho’oriapo yeu sakak. Bees came pouring out of the hole.
3. for (re: amount); Aapo kava’ita miil peesopo hinuk. He bought a horse for a thousand pesos.
4. may be used to form a relative clause (the subject of which is in possessive case); Ne ka
hu’unea haisa em hiapo. I don’t know what you are saying. Ne hu’uneiya hita in ya’anepo. I know
what I will do.
5. from, of a particular substance; U kuta wiko’i u ili o’outa bwe’u wikitat me’aka’u kunwopo
yaritukan. The bow that the little boy used to kill the Big Bird was made of desert hackberry.
-po2 suf. un- (ex. hinepo, etapo)
pa’akta tv. lift with a lever (~-, papa’akta)
pa’akun(i) adv. outside (var. paku); Pa’akuni! Get out! (pl. addressee, ~ em katvo, go outside (pl.);
Tutulik e kare into paku ket ume seewam tu’isi uhyoi. You have a beautiful house and outside the
flowers are very pretty.
pa’aria n. yard, plaza, clearing, open area (s. fayalia)
pa’asi n. raisin
paakam n. hay
paalam n. shovel
paanim n. bread
~ pa’asek n. raisin bread
paapa n. potato (originally thought to be poisonous)
paare n. priest
paaros n. jackrabbit
passo n. step (ser.; syn. woki)
paavo n. peacock
paato n. duck (syn. vetayeka)
paayum n. necktie, neckerchief, handkerchief
~ kooka iv. wear a necktie
pahko n. 1. ceremony (religious celebration; this may be a town ceremony, or a household
ceremony in which a delegation from the church of maestro, cantoras, and Matachin dancers are
hosted by the pahkome and the pahko’olam) 2. gathering (social event)
~ suma’i, n. person obligated to give a ceremony (syn. pahko sumawakame)
~ vanteam n. flag (ceremonial)
~ vichame n. spectators (at a ceremony)
~ yo’owe n. sponsor of a ceremony
~ ya’ut n. the person in charge of a ceremony
pahko’ola n. pascola, who entertains at pahko ceremonies and interacts in ritual drama with the
Deer dancer; the pascola is supposed to be the historian who passes on oral tradition, and is the
auxiliary host (see pahkome) to the church delegation during a household pahko
pahko’ola atte’a n. pascola paraphernalia
pahkome n. 1. fiestero, ceremonial sponsors (of the Blue and Red societies that present the Moors
vs. the Christians on the town’s feast day) 2. household pahko sponsors (a man and a woman,
usually husband and wife) who are assisted by the pascolas (pahko’ola)
pahkowame n. act or event of doing a ceremony
Pahkua n. Old Pascua, Pascua
Pahsiko n. Frank
pahteelim n. pie, pastry
Pasihka n. Frances
pahmo n. muscle spasm
pahti n. poison
pahtiam n. aspirin
pahtitua tv. poison
au ~ tv. over medicate
kuchum ~ tv. poison fish
pake conj. because, so that
pala adj. entire, whole (archaic)
~ anía n. universe (lit. endless world)
~ vato’i n. Christianity, Christendonm
~ vato’ora n. Christianity, Christendom
palma n. Matachin wand (syn. masa)
paloma n. 1. moth 2. pigeon
pamiita n. a small bush, the seeds of which are used for cleaning the digestive system
pan hoa iv. make bread
panaleo n. baker (var. panreo)
panreo n. baker (var. panaleo)
pa n. son; Pa vina weye. Son, come over here.
papa n. father, dad; Vanseka lauti au chaine bwe’ituk em ~ have yepsa. Hurry and call her quickly
because your father is about to come home.
papachihtim n. mashed potatoes
papalote n. 1. kite 2. windmill
pappea iv. energetic, enthusiastic, have energy for (pappé’e-, no rdp.); Kaveta au ~. No one has
the energy for it.
ka ~ vo’oka iv. lying listlessly
pappewame n. the quality of being energetic; U ~ tua tu’i. To have energy is really good.
paraliista iv. be paralyzed
parke n. park
parkiaroa tv. park (vehicle, AZ.; cf. ehtasionaroa)
parkiaroawa’apo adv. in (the, a) parking lot
paro hoo’o n. person who can easily make up (lit. jackrabbit back)
parteera n. midwife; (syn. hamut anía aso’amta, woman who helps in birthing
partiyo n. the music and tuning that is used in a ceremony from dawn until the end of the fiesta
(see soonim, unna vahti, komapniya)
pasaheo n. passenger
pasaroa tv., iv. 1. tv. pass (syn. aet wam siime) 2. iv. happen 3. iv. experience hardship; 4. tv. pass
a test; Haivu te a ~k. This has already happened to us. Iniavu te ka tu’isi a ~k. Last year we had a
hard time.
tu’isi ~ iv. have a good time
pasaroa machi iv. be bearable
paseo n. mangrove
pasia tv. ride (vehicle); kavaipo ~, ride on horseback; karota ~, ride in the car
Pasihka n. Frances
Pasihko n. Francis
Pasioneom n. all the persons of a village engaged in the Easter ceremonies
pastelim n. pie
pasiyaloa iv. visit, tour, make the rounds (with au; ~-, pasiyayaloa); Vempo eu ~. They are visiting
-pat postp. in front of, ahead of (with motion; paradigm: inepat, eepat, aapat, itopat, emopat,
amepat); Aapo inepat weyen. S/he was walking ahead of me.
patala adv. to the brim (with tapuni)
patalai adj. flattened, crumpled, formless
pato pusim n. a red flowering vine of Sonora (lit. duck eyes)
patpattame n. lid, cover
patta tv. cover, barricade (~-, patpatta)
patte iv. 1. be constipated 2. be stopped up, be closed firmly (pst. ~k, fut. pattine); U pueta ~k. The
door slammed shut (by itself).
patti(la) adj. closed, covered
pattiria n. top, lid, stopper
kahoon ~ n. lid (for box)
pawis n. wild parsley
payaaso n. clown
-pea suf. usually want to (habitual desiderative)
pe’ela adv. bent (re: any bipedal); ~ cha’aka, stand bent/stooped over; ~ chovek, with butt sticking
peche’eku adv. in the/a crack; ~ a haiwa, look for it in the crack
peche’eria n. crack; chove ~, crack in the buttocks
pechita n. mesquite bean pod (syn. hu’upa taakam)
peena n. pain, suffering (ser.; syn. wantia, ko’okoe)
peeni n. penny
peenta tv. pawn it (~-, peepenta)
peenti n. pawned item
peera n. pear
Peesio n. Hermosillo
peeso1 n. prisoner
peeso2 n. dollar, peso
peesote tv. capture, jail, take prisoner (peesoti-, pepeesote)
peesotu iv. be imprisoned (~-)
pehta tv. explode, blow up (~-, pehpehta)
pehte iv. exploding, bursting (pehti-, pehpehte); U tanki ~k. The tank exploded. Karo chuu’utat
pehtivuitek. The car ran over the dog and smashed it.
pehtivuite tv. squash, run over
peina n. comb
ete ~ n. comb for hair lice made from the burr of echo cactus
pekador n. sinner
peloteam n. baseball team
peloota iv. play ball (~-, pepeloota and peloota)
pelootam n. ball (sports); cf. voola
pempe’im n. heel
penaroa n. penance
pensaroa tv. think (analyze, intend to do; cf. ea, machia); Aapo ~n. S/he was thinking about it.
Aapo karota hinuvaeka ~n. S/he was thinking about buying a car.
kia ~ iv. wonder
Peo n. Peter
peonasim n. peas
pepeesote rdp. of peesote, capture
pepiino n. cucumber
periko n. parrot (syn. tavelo)
perioriko n. newspaper
pesaroa tv. weigh
pesekte iv. confess (pesekti-, pepesekte); Aapo paratau ~k. S/he confessed to the priest.
pesektiwame n. confession
Pessio n. Hemrosillo
petakia n. chest, trunk
petala adv. prone, on one’s stomach
petta tv. cut (anything; ~-, pepetta)
peuta tv. butcher (peuti-, peupeuta)
peute tv. be butchering (peuti-, peupeute)
piano n. piano
pichel n. pitcher
piesapo adv. continuously, over and over, repetitiously (like a broken record; var. piesa)
pihkan n. fiscal
pihtoola n. pistol
piichel n. pitcher
piike tv. wring (pipiik-, pipiike)
piiki iv. dive (piki-, pipike); vaapo kom ~, dive into the water
piiko n. bill, beak
piikom n. pick (tool); Aapo palam into pikom sauwa. He uses a shovel and pick.
Piima n. Pima
piine tv. suck out (pin-, pipine)
piino n. tamarisk, salt cedar (Tamarix aphylla)
piinsam n. tweezers
piipa n. pipe; In ~ ne ta’aruk. I lost my pipe.
piisa iv. be sensitive (with tam, tooth/teeth); cf. pipisa
tam ~k iv. have sensitive teeth
piisam n. blanket; Vempo Tusoneu vemela ~ hinuk. They bought a new blanket in Tucson.
piisi n. a erect shrub sp. with thorn used for Christmas trees
piiso n. floor
piitau yoa iv. shiver (< piiti au yoa)
piiye n. foot (measure)
pikacho n. mountain peak
pikokame n. cone (shape)
Pilaato n. Pontius Pilate
pino moraom sesewame n. shrub tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima)
pintura n. paint
piocha n. chinaberry tree (Melia azedrach), used as a medicine
piopiokti adv. chirping (with hia); cf. piupiuti
pip aso’ola n. nipples
pip kuttiria n. brassiere
pipi’ike tv. wring, squeeze (pipi’ik-; no rdp.)
pipim n. breasts
pipisa iv. be sensitive (with tam, tooth/teeth); cf. piisa
tam ~ iv. have sensitive teeth (enamel worn off)
pisaroon n. blackboard
pitta tv. press, (a surface; cf. yotta), crush, smash (~-, pitpitta)
piupiuti adv. chirping (with hia); cf. piopiokti
plaano n. model, plan, design
plancham n. iron (for clothes)
plancharoa tv. iron clothes
plantano n. banana, plantain
-po suf. locative suffix with four distinct uses: 1. in, at (ex. karipo, in/at the house) 2. from 3. for
(re: amount) 4. may be used to form a relative clause (the subject of which is in possessive case);
Mumum woho’oriapo yeu sakak. Bees came pouring out of the hole. Aapo kava’ita miil peesopo
hinuk. He bought a horse for a thousand pesos. Ne ka hu’unea haisa em hiapo. I don’t know what
you are saying. Ne hu’unea hita in ya’anepo. I know what I will do.
po’okte iv. bend, stoop, double over (po’okti-, popo’okte)
po’ola adv. stooped over
~ cha’aka adj. stooping
~ cha’atu iv. duck (head)
pochilai adj. short (string, rope)
pocho’oku n. wilderness
~ kowi n. peccary, javelina
pocho’oria n. desert, wilderness, the bush (syn. huya)
podoroso n. powerful (syn. utteak)
pohporo n. match
pohta tv. boil (~-, pohpohta)
pohte iv. boiling (pohti-, pohpohte)
pohtia tv. boil for someone (~-)
pohtisom n. false teeth
poke conj. because; Chuvala vetchi’ivo ~ te yumhoivae. Because we want to rest for a while.
pokti adv. plop, plunk
polesia n. police officer (AZ; cf. hurisiaal)
polesiam n. the police (collectively)
polia n. termite
polopolohti adv. in a dripping manner
poloove adj. poor
polovesi(a) adv. poorly, humbly
pomahe n. a tree sp.
pompa n. pump
pomparoa tv. pump
pompomti(a) adv. in a thudding manner (re: water drum)
pomta tv. take a drink (~-, pompomta)
pomte iv. gulp, swig, take a drink (pomti-, pompomte)
pomtitua tv. give someone a drink (but not of water; cf. vahi’itua)
pon- comb. of poona, beat
pona tv., iv. 1. tv. pull out, pluck (pl. obj.; popóna) 2. iv. fall out
chon ~ iv. pick cotton
voa ~ iv. fall out (hair)
voam ~ iv. pluck down feathers
poochi adj. short
poona tv. 1. bang, beat, knock, pound 2. mash, shred 3. play (instrument, radio, phonograph)
(pon-, pópona; cf. hiponna); Yoóko empo puetata ponne. Tommorrow you will be knocking at the
pooso n. well (water)
poota tv. push aside (with yeu; ~-, popota); yeu a ~k, pushed it aside
poote n. loose dirt
poove adj. poor, destitute
poowim n. newt, salamander
pópona tv. be beating, knocking (rdp. of poona)
popóna tv. pull up, uproot (popon-, poppona)
poponna rdp. of poona, beat
poposiula adj. rusty
poposiwe iv. rusting (poposiu-, poposisiwe)
porke conj. because
porowi n. salamander (var. poowi)
portinera n. purse
posoim n. posole, hominy stew
tiiko ~ n. wheat stew
mun ~ n. hominy and bean stew
pota tv. throw up dirt tailings by digging (~- or potán-, popota)
Potam n. Potam
potán- comb. of pota, throw up dirt
potta tv. stuff one (with food), overfeed (~-; rdp. not usual)
potte iv. have indigestion (potti-, popotte)
pottila n. indigestion
poute’ela n. cowbird (brown)
presensia n. presence (ser.)
prinsipal n. main, primary, principal
profeta n. prophet; Inim yeu yumak ~m. Here the prophets arrived.
promeesa n. promise (syn. au bwánia)
proyekto n. project
pu’akta tv. lift, pick up (~, pu’apu’akta)
pu’akte tv. load (pu’akti-, pupu’akte)
pu’akti n. 1. load 2. pack
pu’ate tv. carry, transport, take along (pu’ati-, pupu’ate); cf. weiya
pu’ilai n. 1. peak, pinnacle 2. cowlick 3. unique, in a class of it’s own 4. by her/his/it’s self; Wa kawi
apela ~ weyek. The mountain is standing by itself.
pua tv. 1. pick (crops) 2. choose, select, appoint (with yeu) (~-, puppua); Aapo chin puppuan? Did
s/he used to pick cotton? U hamut taho’ota yeu ~. The woman picked out the cloth. Vempo
kovanaom yeu ~wak. They appointed a governor.
puanam adv. with something upright in one’s arms
~ sisime iv. go along holding something erect in one’s arms
puanama tv. carry a person (puanam-, puananama)
puato n. plate, dish
publikaroa tv. make known, publish
puchi yena iv. be puffing a cigarette
puentes n. bridge
pueplo n. village, town (opposite milieu of the yo anía; in the town there is order and the
supernatural is represented by statues and images in the church)
puerto n. port, harbor
pues interj. well
pueta n. door, car door
~ bwisiria n. door knob/door handle
puh comb. of puusi, eye
~ aso’ola n. pupil (of eye)
~ chaka’ariam n. a look out of the corner of one’s eye
~ chaka’ariam véa a vitchu, looking at her/him out of the corner of one’s eye
~ mayoa n. eye socket
~ se’eve’im n. eyelashes
puhta tv. blow away, spray (~-, puhpuhta)
puhte iv. open one’s eyes (puhti-; the tense forms of remte are often used)
puhtia adj. bloated, obese, overweight; Manteka, tahkaim bwa’eka kia ~m vena. Eating butter and
tortillas makes them fat.
puhtua dv. give someone the evil eye; Aapo a ~k. S/he gave her/him the evil eye.
puhtuari n. given the evil eye
puhva n. face
puhvaka adv. facing; ~ weye, stand facing a certain direction; Apo wam vicha ~ weyek. S/he is
standing facing away.
puhveá n. eyelid
pulgada n. inch
puppua rdp. of pua, pick
puntam n. points (engine)
pusiyesa’ala n. salamander
putte iv. shoot bow or a gun (putti-, putputte); putekame, one who shoots; putputeme, one who
shoots well
puul n. pool, billiards
puusim n. 1. eye 2. hole (in flute) 3. headlights (of car) (comb. puh-, obj. puhta)
~ tutucha iv. wink; O’ou hamuttau ~ tutuchan. The man winked at the woman.