baas n. bus (comb. bah-); ex. bahta vovicha, waiting for the bus
behtab n. bathtub
beis n. base (in baseball)
bendisiroa tv. bless (ser.; syn. teochia)
bendisiroawame n. blessing (ser.; syn. teochiawame)
bet n. baseball bat
biblioteeka n. library
bomba n. balloon
bombam n. bomb
bombeo n. fire engine
bombiroa tv. bomb
bou adj. big, vast, enormous (obj. bo’uk, pl. bweere; cf. bwe’u); u ~ kaaro, the big car; Ume
yoemem ~ bwiapo ho’ak. Those people live on a large land (the Tohono Reservation is large).
Vempo bo’uk bwiak. They have a vast land. Uka ne bo’uk waata. I want the big one.
brocha n. brush


bwa’awame n. food (var. bwa’ame); U hamut bwa’amta nu’upak. The woman bought food. Um
bwa’ampo ona ama ve’e. The food needs salt.
bwa’e tv. eat (pst. bwa’aka; bwa’a-, bwabwa’e); Hitasa empo bwa’aka, sikilik tenekmochik? What did
you eat, red-mouthed tortoise (from a myth)? Ian ketwo ne nohim bwa’aka. I ate tamales this morning.
bwa’ame n. food (var. bwa’awame)
bwa’amtakomweamapo n. esophagus
bwa’ari adj. eaten
bwa’arom n. lamb’s quarters, purslane (Chenopodium sp.), used as a greens
bwaana iv. cry, weep (~-, bwabwana; comb. bwan)
bwaata tv. stir, mix together (syn. kuuta; ~-, bwabwaata)
bwahi wikosa n. breechclout strings
bwahilovon n. wild cat, bobcat
bwahim n. diaper, loin cloth, breechclout (originally the Yoeme men’s garb, today this is used for infants
as a diaper and consists of a rectangular cloth tucked into a string around the waist; the diaper is
changed but the string remains)
bwahsuma iv. braid
bwahsuma’i n. braid
chonim ~ n. braided hair
bwai wikosa n. cord, belt
bwai yecha tv. 1. undress 2. get into someone’s pants (have sex with)
bwakala adj. straddling with one’s legs
bwakta tv. take out of a container (~-, bwabwakta)
bwaktai adj. taken out, extracted
bwala n. sheep
bwala aso’ola n. lamb
bwalareo n. sheepherder
bwalkimula iv. weak
bwalko adj. soft, smooth; ~ le, consider to be soft
bwalkote tv. 1. soften, smooth 2. tan hide (~-, bwalbwalkote)
bwalwotta tv. make feel weak, make tremble
bwalwotte iv. feel weak
bwan ptc. indeed (focus particle); ex. Seewam tua ~ uhyoi. The flowers sure are pretty. ~ enchi
nattemain. It was you that (s/he) was asking for. A: Tu’isi tata. B: Heewi bwan. A: It sure is hot. B: Yes
bwan adv. weeping; ~ bwia n. this vale of tears (lit. weeping earth); bwan bwiapo, in this vale of tears;
wame inim bwan bwiapo na kuaktisukame, those who have trod this weeping earth
bwani n. crybaby
bwánia iv. make a vow, promise for someone else (~-, bwabwania)
au ~ n. promise (on one’s own part; syn. promeesa)
bwanía n. wax
bwániari adj. bestowed a name by vow
bwanwame n. crying
bwaravoa n. wool
bwasa tv. cook it, bake it (bwasa’a-, bwabwasa)
bwassa’aka n. bird of prey (unidentified sp.)
bwase iv. cooking (bwas-, bwabwase)
bwasi adj. cooked, ripe
bwasia n. 1. tail 2. end, tail end (of a line)
bwasubwila n. yerba del indio (plant sp. used for tootheache)
bwatana iv. burn food (bwantan-, no rdp.)
bwatania tv. burn (food; ~-, bwattania; cf. taya); Aapo bwa’amta ~. He is burning his food.
bwawi adj. sharp (knife, scissors, axe, stick)
~ yotohta tv. make dull
bwawiteri adj. sharpened
bwawia n. sharpened end
bwawis n. barn owl
bwawite tv. sharpen (~-, bwabwawite)
bwe var. of abwe, well (masc.; in contmeporary AZ, both men and women use bwe or abwe; cf. a’e)
bwe’ituk conj. because; Apo hiva yu move’ek ~ apo lovola kovak. He always wears a hat because he’s
bwe’u adj. big, large; pregnant (pl. bweere; cf. bou); Ume livrom ka ~. The book is not big. Ume livrom
ka bwe’ebwere. The books aren’t big.
~ choki n. morning star
~ ho’ara n. town, city
~ Hu’upam n. Valencia Village (settlement near Valencia and present-day I-19)
~ mam pusiam n. thumb
~m hiapsek iv. be courageous, brave
bwe’uria tv. enlarge, make bigger (~-, bwebwe’uria)
bwe’usi adj. large
~ aayu, grow tall (animals; cf. yo’otu); ex. ~ pahko, a large ceremony
~ yoiyiwa, large dance
bwe’uteta n. boulder
bwebwere adj. huge; Apo si ~m nakak. He has huge ears.
bwebbweka adj. wide
bweeka adj. broad, wide
bweere adj. big, large (pl.; sg. bwe’u; cf. bou); Aman ~ hoosom kawimpo hoho’a. Large bears live in
the mountains.
~ chokim n. planets
bweha(‘i) n. half gourd (for dipper or resonator); bweha’apo, on the half gourd
bweka pa’aria n. plaza, open area
bwekasia adv. wide(ly)
bwekate tv. widen )(~-, bwebwekate)
bwelta tv. turn, go around (~-; bwebwelta); Aapo karita k. He went around in the car. Vikammeu yeu
~k. They went to Vicam and back.
yeu ~ iv. make a round trip/stop by/ visit (syn. yeu noite)
Bwetaewaim n. Holy Week
bwia n. 1. earth, land, soil 2. area, region, country; Ini si’ime Hiak ~. This is all Yoeme land.
~ Bwalko n. Big Flats (site of first Easter ceremony in Tucson area; in vicinity of present-day Miracle Mile
and I-10)
~ mu’u n. burrowing owl
~ Toli, the Earth Rat who first brought music to the people
bwiara n. country, territory; homeland
bwiata vétuku n. underground
bwibwise tv. touch
bwíchia n. worm
~ voalam n. caterpillar
bwichía n. smoke
~ta hoa iv. be smoking, make a lot of smoke
bwih- comb. of bwise, catch it
bwiha tv. massage, rub (~-, bwibwiha)
bwihri adj. captured
bwihtua tv. let touch
bwihwa 1. n. capture (act of capturing) 2. tv. be captured, arrested
bwiichi iv. smoky, filled with smoke
bwiika iv. be singing (~-, bwibwika)
bwiikam var. of bwikam, songs
bwiiki n. sung
bwiiwi n. caterpillar
bwika n. song
~ hiawa n. rhythm and melody of a song
~ noki n. lyrics, song text
bwikleo n. singer (syn. bwikreo)
bwikola adv. around (syn. chikola)
bwikreo n. singer (syn. bwikleo)
bwise tv. 1. catch it 2. pass, hand it to one 3. capture, seize, arrest (bwih-, bwibwise)
bwisi tv. hold, grasp it (bwih-, bwibwisi)
bwisiria n. handle, lever
bwisiwa iv. be in captivity
bwisiwame n. captive
bwita n., iv. 1. n. excrement 2. iv. defecate (~-, bwibwita)
~ maival n. dung beetle
~ pattila adj. constipated
bwitchovia n. soot