Enrollment Division
A Delayed Birth Certificate Program is Available to Qualifying Pascua Yaqui Tribal Members born in the State of Arizona before 1970. The Enrollment Department is authorized to obtain delayed birth certificates, in accordance with the Arizona Revised Statue, on behalf of Pascua Yaqui Tribal Members from the Arizona State Registrar of Vital Records.
In accordance with SB 1393 Delayed Birth Certificates for Native Americans, The Enrollment Department shall submit to the state registrar information and evidentiary documents that support the creation and registration of a delayed birth certificate on behalf of a tribal member.
The Enrollment Department shall assist tribal members with this process, and to the extent that the tribal budget allows, the cost of obtaining a delayed birth certificate for elders shall be covered by the tribe.
*Existing tribal enrollment records and documents will be verified and may be used. In this process the Enrollment Department may also assist in obtaining a “Certificate of No Birth Record”.
Examples of Supporting Documents:
For questions or assistance contact the Enrollment Department at (520) 879.6242.