=sa ptc. interrogative particle; I hitasa? What is this? Haiki kuchumsa? How many fish are there?
-sae suf. order, command; Maala Tomasta hi’ibwasae. Mother told Tom to eat.
=san ptc. however; Ne kaita yuumak in chu’usan hi’ibwak. I got nothing, but my dog did eat.
-sasaka suf. go along doing (pl.; sg. -sisime; ex. hi’ibwasasaka, go along eating
-se suf. go to get (sg.; pl. -vo; ex. va’achise, go to get water)
-si suf. adverb formative (changes adjectives into verbs; ex. bwe’u big -> bwe’usi immensely); Tu’isi
bwe’usi pahkowak. It was a grand religious celebration (lit. was immensely celebrated).
-sisime suf. go along doing (sg.; pl. -sasaka; ex., hi’ibwasisime, go along eating
=su ptc. attached to any part of speech (cf. su, -suk)
1. as (attached to verbs); Aapo hi’ibwakasu tattek. As s/he was eating, s/he choked.
2. do, did (emphasis; attached to adverbs, pronouns, and nouns, especially in song language); may have
a sense of obligation; Vemposu aman katne, ta ka hunen ea. They should go there, but they won’t.
Itom to’osiika, isu yoyo anía (s.). It left us, this enchanted world. Sewailo malichi su siika. The
flowered fawn did go. San Huan San Pasihkota wiko’ita su kottak. St. John did break St. Francis’ bow.
Vempo su? And them (what about them)?
3. where; Davidsu? Where is Dave?
4. it is because; Aaposu ka hikkahaka woho’oriapo kom wechek. It is because s/he did not listen that
they fell into the hole. Aapo su lottila. Because s/he is tired (resp.). Aapo su siika. Because s/he went
5. question marker (may be used with the question marker haisa); Em maala su hoa’po katek? Is your
mother at home? Emesu haisa aane — kave ko’okoe? Is everyone well at your house?
6. what if; Huan Lupeta vichak su? What if John did see Lucy?
7. focus marker on adverbs (especially adverbs of location; ex.: che’ewasu, more and more; nausu,
really together; komsu, downward; Empo amansu wee’ean. You should go there. Notteka toloko
bwiapo komsu siika (s.). Returning, you did go down in the light blue earth.
-suk suf. perfect tense marker; Hesus haivu hi’ibwasuk. Jesus has already eaten.
-sula suf. habitual past tense marker; Inepo huyapo weamsula. I have (often) walked in the woods.
=sa ptc. interrogative particle; I hitasa? What is this? Haiki kuchumsa? How many fish are there?
sa’abwaniak pst. of sabwa’ania, re-injure someone else
sa’awa n. sore
sa’ina tv. sift (~-, sasa’ina)
saake tv. toast grain (sak-, sasake)
saaki adj. toasted
saakim n. popcorn, parched corn
saala n. living room, parlor; ~po soofa into siiyam hooka. There is a sofa and chairs in the living room.
saalochi n. a plant sp.
saami n. adobe brick
saanto n. saint
saarten n. frying pan
saasaati noka iv. whisper
saavum n. soap
saawa1 n. saiya, a plant sp. (Amorexia palmatifida)
saawa2 tv. share; nau a ~, share it
saaweam n. pants, trousers; ~po wokte, put on pants
saawi n. cane (Amoreuxia palmatifida)
sabwa’ana iv. hit a sore spot, re-injure self (with au)
sabwa’ania tv. re-injure someone else (pst. sa’abwaniak, ~-, sasa’abwania)
-sae suf. order, command; Maala Tomasta hi’ibwasae. Mother sahak pst. of saka, go out (pl.)
sahti adv. sound of particulate matter impacting (grain, sand)
sai n. older brother (masc.)
saila n. younger brother (masc.)
saila maaso n. 1. the deer (in the deer dance) 2. deer dancer
saiyula adv. huddled
sak- comb. of saake, roast grain
saka iv. go (pl.; imp. ~vo’em, pst. sahak, saká’a-, sasaka); this verb may be suffixed with the comb. of
another verb to mean ” while moving”); cf. siika)
yeu ~ iv. go out, exit, leave; ke a ~o, before they go out
saka’atua tv. make leave, dismiss (pl. obj.)
saka’avo’em interj. go away! (pl.; sg. simise’e)
sakkau n. Gila monster
sakovai n. watermelon (var. sakvai)
saktuse iv. be grinding (saktuh-, saktutuse)
saktusi n. pinole, meal (flour)
salvaroa tv. save (syn. hinne’u)
sama’i n. uncle (father’s older brother)
Samawaka Kawi n. a sacred mountain near Totoitakese’epo
sami hoa iv. make adobe; vaavoe sami hoa, make clay into adobe bricks; Wempo vaavuta sami hoa.
They are making the clay into adobes.
samta tv. split cane (~-, samsamta)
samte iv. be splitting (can; samti-, samsamte)
told Tom to eat.
san ptc., adv. however, only; Ne kaita yuumak in chu’u ~ hi’ibwak. Aapo san ke tu’uli tomek. He,
however, still has some money. Neu kaita yuumak in chuu’u ~ hi’ibwak. There was no food for me; only
for my dog. Ne kaita yuumak in chu’usan hi’ibwak. I got nothing, but my dog did eat.
San Huan n. St. John
San Huan Taewai n. St. John’s Day, the beginning of summer; San Huan Taewaipo u yoeme uva. One
bathes on St. John’s Day.
San Paasiko n. St. Francis
sana n. sugarcane
sana’im n. rib
sánake iv. really care for her/him; Hose ~. Joseph really cares (for John).
sanava n. corn husk
sanchina adv. unkempt (with kovak); ~ kovak, have messy hair
sanchivei adj. messy
sania n. grove
saniloa n. grove, woods
sankakam n. brown sugar
sankira adv. bristling, bushy (syn. sanvera); ~ kovak, be unkempt; ~ bwasiak, have a bushy tail
sankoa n. 1. trash 2. chaff (in thrashing grain; syn. ota)
~ kari n. hut
~ monti n. trash heap, trash pile
~ wo’oti n. trash scattered or strewn about, litter
sankora n. 1. trashy person 2. drunk (person) 3. a particular pascola tune
sanku’ukuchi n. raven
sanooria n. carrot
Santa Kuusim n. May 3, the end of Lent; on this day, the ritual control of the Fariseo Society ends until
the following Ash Wednesday; people make crosses of willow branches to put on house walls; the old
crosses are burned along with weeds and trash
santa puusim wiroa n. a plant sp.
santene adv. upright (with katek, weyek)
santo n. 1. saint 2. statue of a saint; Uka ~ta movela yechak apo hani enchi ániane tea. If you put the
saint upside down they say he will help you.
~ hoa tv. consecrate (syn. santole)
~ Livrom n. Bible
~ supem n. habit (syn. avi’itom)
~ tevat n. ceremonial patio; Ume ~m altariapo hooka. The saints are on the altar.
santole tv. consecrate (syn. santo hoa)
santora n. the complement of saints on an altar, the saints (col.)
sanvara adv. frightfully, horribly
~ bwana iv. have an awful cry
sanvera adv. bristling, bushy (syn. sankira)
sanveta kovak iv. have unkempt hair
sapa weche iv. snow
sapa wechia adj. 1. fallen (snow, ice) 2. frozen
sapak adj. icey
sapala adv. intersecting, crisscrossing; ~ teéka, lay it across; Vempo kustata ~ teéka.
sapam n. 1. ice, snow; icile 2. icecream
sapo n. limberbush (Jatropha cardiophylla; syn. kau sapo)
sapti n. wall
sarhento n. sergeant
sarampionim n. measles
sarteen n. frying pan
-sasaka suf. go along doing (pl.; sg. -sisime; ex. hi’ibwasasaka, go along eating
sasavua iv. lather, get sudsy
sasavutua tv. soap, apply soap
sata n. red dirt
satema n. buzzard (gen.; cf. wiiru, tekoe)
satemali n. mountain lizard (a lizard sp.)
sauko n. elderberry (Sambucus sp.)
sauwa tv. use, make use of (~-, sasauwa)
sauwari adj. usual
ka ~ adj. unusual
sauwawame n. use, adaptation
sauwo n. saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea)
sauwo taaka n. saguaro fruit
sava tv. covet (especially food; ~-, sasava)
Savala n. Saturday
Savala Looria n. Gloria, Holy Saturday
savanam n. sheet (bed)
savatua tv. covet (especially food)
sawa n. 1. leaf 2. page
sawai adj. yellow; Kesum ~; kama ket ~. The cheese is yellow; the squash is also yellow. Sanoorim
naranhao into sasawai. Carrots and orange and yellow.
sawaik kovak iv. be blond
sawali adj. yellow (s.)
~ wiikit n. Yellow Bird (a pascola and Deer dance song)
sawan n. arch (syn. arko)
sawaria n. jaundice
sawe tv. order, command, boss (saw-, sasawe)
saweam n. 1. trousers 2. underwear
saweate iv. put on pants
-se suf. go to get (sg.; pl. -vo; ex. va’achise, go to get water)
se pn. you (sg.; pl. sem; syn. che, e, empo; < haisempo); Sewa nat se weche vétuku (s.). You, under
where the flower falls. Yoko vampo se heka (s.). In the spotted water, you drank. Ne se muteka teki
(s.). I, you laid as a pillow. Se ka hikkaha. You don’t listen. Se hiokot maachi. You look pitiful. Empo
tiendau siime? Are you going to the store?
Se Chopoi n. High Town (Yaqui community near Chandler)
se’elaim n. white tepary beans (cf. heseim)
se’eparia n. sand dune, sandy area
sea n. var. of seewa, flower
Sea Anía n. the Flower World (supernatural world in the East, where all living spirits reside including
those of animals, a utopia free from illness and care where our ancestors return after death; the Deer in
the Deer dance is the link to this perfect world; cf. maso bwikam); I ili malit sea ániapo ho’ak. The little
fawn lives in the Flower World.
sea choni n. split end (hair; syn. choni kottila)
Sea Hamut n. the Flower Woman (the interpreter of the Talking Tree; also called Yo Mumuli; some
versions of the myth have both Sea Hamut and Yo Mumuli as twin sisters who do the interpretation)
sea hi’ika iv. embroider (lit. sew flowers); Apo aa sea hi’ika. She can embroider.
sea hikwame n. embroidery
sea taka n. spiritual body (lit. flower body), person with a sixth sense with intuitive knowledge of the future
and therefore protected to some degree, has an aura-like force field around their body; persons with this
have extra-sensory perception, self-awareness, keen judgment, assuring memory, and intelligence
against evil powers
sea vachi n. variegated, multicolored corn
sea yoleme n. the Flower Person (the Deer in the Deer dance)
seariak v.; Ne a ~. I xxx.
seatakakame n. one who has seataka
seate iv. make artificial flowers
see pa’aria n. sand dune, dune
see’e n. sand
seechuktia adv. all of the sudden; Aapo ~ kokoe weche. S/he fell sick all of the sudden.
seekam n. armpit
seeka voam n. underarm hair
seekia n. ditch
seenu num., pn. 1. num. one 2. pn. someone 3. pn. other (var. senu; obj. senuku); ~ we’epo, on the
other hand; Senu aavo weye. Someone is coming. Senuk ne vicha. I see one/someone. Senu hamutta
hivane. Senu o’ou aman ho’ak. A certain man lives there. Ave kia, senu enchim kuta wisa’ei maya.
Okay for now, someone may hit you with a wooden serving spoon (typical remark to a pascola). Senu
hamutta hiva ne vicha. I see only one woman. Senukut kom wetne. That might fall on someone. ~
chake’etam ne vittua. Please show me another jacket. A: Yokoketwo vaa’am te etapone. B: Taa ~
we’epo ala ka tu’i. Ili uusim ama wam katne. A: We’ll open the water (irrigation) tomorrow. B: On the
other hand, that won’t do. There will be children going through there. A: Yoko te yeu saka’ane. B: ~
we’epo ala ka tu’i machi. Bwe’ituk yoko anía ka tu’ivae. A: We’ll go out tomorrow. B: That won’t do
because the weather tomorrow will be bad.
Seeri n. Seri
seevo n. fat, tallow
seewa n., iv. 1. n. flower (flowers represent good, and help people fight against evil; flowers are
symbolized by confetti, paper flowers, the Deer dancer’s regalia, and other ritual items; when Christ died
on the cross, his drop of blood that fell to the ground were transformed into flowers) 2. n. ceremonial work
or labor 3. n. the love of one’s life (masc.) 4. iv. blossom, flower; Aman weye in sewa. There goes the
love of my life.
sehchuktia adv. suddenly, by surprise
sehtul(ia) adv. once
sekala adj. parallel
sekawam n. ribbon (of Matachin crown)
sekka’atana adv. on one side
sekola adv. with open arms (with cha’aka)
selwalka n. a type of squash
sem pn. you (pl.; sg. se; syn. enchim); Hiokot sem hiyawa (s.). They go soudning pitifully. Tu’i ~ ho’ak.
You people live well (have a nice home).
semalulukut n. 1. hummingbird 2. lively person, live wire
semaana n. week
~po taewaim n. days of the week
sementeeria n. cemetery
semento n. cement, concrete
semta tv. stretch (~-, semsemta)
semte iv. stretch (semti-, semsemte)
sena’asom n. sistrum, disk rattle used by pascolas (syn. sonasom)
sene’eka n. spring (water)
sentavo n. cent
dies ~ n. ten cents, dime
mamni ~ n. five cents, a nickel
senteiya n. thunderbolt
sentiirom n. senses (of perception); mamni ~, the five senses
sentro n. downtown, civic center
senu num., pn. 1. num. var. of seenu, one 2. pn. someone 3. a, an (obj. ~k); ka ~k vena, not like each
other/not like any other; ~ we’epo, at once (in a single instant); ~ wéeme, in other words/in another vein;
~ aman weye. Someone is walking over there. ~ minaita bwa’aka. Someone ate the cantalope. Empo
~k vithcuk. You were looking at someone. Aapo ~k tomita mikne. S/he will money to someone. ~
we’epo a yak. S/he did it at once. ~ wéeme ama aayuk. There’s another point/facet to that.
senu taka num. twenty
senu we’epo adv. in a way, under one condition only
senu wechiapo adv. all at once, in no time at all
senyor n. 1. lord 2. God
Senyorta Hiavihteim n. God’s Breathing (the first Pascola tune played after the opening of a pahko)
Senyorta pahko n. a pahko held by a family during Lent, involving feeding many of the villagers, including
the ceremonial people (syn. Waehma pahko)
sep(ia) adv. right away (var. sep, sepsu); Au chachaewak ~ yepsak. When they called him, he came
right away. Aapo ~ o’omtek. Right away he got angry. Si ka aman wéevaetek sep nokne. If you don’t
want to go, speak right up.
sepio n. toothbrush
sepsu adv. var. of sep(ia), right away
Septiemre n. September
serafin n. seraphim (var. serafinesi)
sermonia n. sermon
seruuchom n. saw (tool)
servisio n. service, assistance
sesevea rdp. of sevea, get cold
seva n. barley
seve adj., iv. 1. adj. cold 2. iv. be cold 3. homosexual (male or female); ke ~o, before it gets cold
seve meecham n. winter, winter months
seve’e choa n. jumping cholla (Opuntia fulgida)
seve’i n. eaves, overhang
seve’im n. fringe
sevea iv. get cold (sevé-, sessevea); Vaa’am ~k. The water got cold. Enerot hani sevevae tea. They say
it will be cold in January. Flagstaffpo tu’isi sessevea. It gets cold in Flagstaff.
sevele iv. feel cold (pst. ~n, fut. seveline; for other tenses, forms of chuvakte are used)
severia n. 1. winter 2. cold (sickness; syn. kataro); ~po, in the winter; ~po tu’isi seve. It gets very cold in
sevi n. jumping cholla
sevis maso n. mule deer
sevo’i n. fly (insect; s. sevoli)
sevoli n. fly (insect; s.; = sevo’i)
sevora n. onion
sewa n. var. of seewa, flower (often used as a nickname for children because envious spirits could take a
child’s identity by finding out their real name
~ Hamut n. the Flower Woman
~ tomte iv. blossom
~ yoleme n. flower person
sewailo adj. var. of seyewailo, flowered (s.)
sewalka n. a type of squash
sewaivampo n. flower water (the water of the water drum used during a Deer dance which is sacred
during the ceremony; the Deer comes to the water to drink and play, and the water may be thrown at
spectators after the Deer dance is over)
sewatua tv. decorate with flowers
sewatuari adj. decorated with flowers, bedecked; U kus yo’owe ~. The village cross is decorated with
sewundo n. second (in position or turn)
sewuraroa tv. secure, make secure
seye n. var. of seewa, flower
seyewailo adj. flower-covered, flowered (s. sewailo; ~ is often used in song language as well)
-si suf. adverb formative (changes adjectives into verbs; ex. bwe’u big -> bwe’usi immensely); Tu’isi
bwe’usi pahkowak. It was a grand religious celebration (lit. was immensely celebrated).
si1 adv. very; U kuvaleo si a hipona. He’s a good drummer.
si2 conj. if, whether; Apo aman wee’ean ~ tomeko. He would go there if he had money. Ne ka
hu’uneiya ~ apo aman weene. I don’t know whether he’ll go.
~ kaa conj. unless, if; Si kaa ama wevaetek sep nokne. If you don’t want to go, speak up.
si’ibwia adj. numb
si’ika n. bladder
si’ime pn. all, everyone, entire (obj. ~k)
si’ime wa’a pn. all of it, all of them; Si’ime wa’a yoemta allea. All of humanity is happy.
si’imek adv. completely, wholly, entirely
si’imekut adv. all over
si’imekunvicha adv. in all directions
si’imekuttana adv. from all directions
si’imem pn. all of it/them, everyboy, everything; ~ nu’e. Get all of it.
si’imenawi adv. altogether
si’ite iv. in: vaa ~, be sprinkling
si’ita tv. in: vaa ~, sprinkle it
si’iya n. chamomile
sia bwakta tv. disembowel
siakikichiite iv. get green, bud out
sialapti iv. verdant, covered with green
siali adj. 1. green 2. pale 3. inexperienced (var. siari)
siali muunim n. green beans
siam n. intestines
siari adj 1. green 2. raw, crude; Ehootem lechuwa into sisiari. The string beans and lettuce are green.
~ si ayuk. It (vegation) got very green.
~ bwa’ame n. vegetable
~ maival n. mayate, a green Mexican beetle
siari tomi n. paper money, dollar bills
siasaalai adj. greenish
sihho’ote iv. drizzle (rain; syn. sio yuke; sihho’oti-)
sihoniam n. rash
sihpattila iv. have urinary problems (pst. ~tukan; only the pres. and pst. are usual)
siika iv. 1. pst. of siime, go (sg.) 2. shrank; Vai wasuktiam ~k vempo karota hinuvaen. After three
years passed they were wanting to buy a car. In pantolonim nau ~. My pants shrank.
siiku n. navel, umbilical cord
siila n. saddle (in: kavai ~, saddle)
siime iv. go (sg.; pl. saka; imp. simise’e, pst. siika, sim-, hab. sisime; may be suffixed to the comb. of
another verb to mean “_ while moving”; cf. -sisime); Apo woi veemelam mapoasimvae um pahkowi.
She has two new bracelets to wear to the ceremony.
aet ~, iv. pass (syn. pasároa; aet = d.o.); Aet ne wam siika. I passed her/him/it.
wam ~ iv. cross, traverse
yeu ~ iv. come out
siirisiiriti adv. buzzing, rattling (rattles); Yoyo a’akame sevipo vo’oka, ~ hia (s). Enchanted snake lying in
the cholla, going zzzz.
siise iv. urinate (sis- or sih-, sisse)
au ~ tv. relieve one’s self
siisi n. urine
siiva1 tv. carve (wood); pare, peel (sivá-, sisiva); cf. vesuma, vekta
siiva2 n. cliff, precipice
siiva wiikit n. cliff bird (s.)
siivo tv. 1. harm, damage 2. curse, hex (sivó-, sisivo)
siiya1 n. 1. chair 2. car seat (in Arizona; used in the pl.; cf. vanko)
~ rueratame n. wheelchair
siiya2 n. hose
sika tv. cut (hair; siká’a-, sisika); Itom achai Luista ~k. Our father cut Louis’ hair.
sikamtachi adv. in the past; U wasuktia ~ tu’isi ko’okoewak. In the past year there was much sickness.
sikharai adj. red-faced
sikhewei adj. pink (syn. koloroosa)
siki adj. red; Kannao ~; wichalakas ket ~. The pomegranites is red; so it the cardinal. Tomaatem si~.
Tomatoes are red.
Sikil Kawi n. Red Mountain, an enchanted mountain near Guaymas
sikili adj. var. of siki, red
sikisa hoa tv. redden
sikisi iv. become red (pl. si~)
sikite tv. redden
sikkucha’a n. coral snake
sikropo’i n. a plant sp.
siksiktia iv. shuffle
siktavut n. red racer (snake)
sikupuriam n. kidneys
silate tv. saddle
silikte iv. sprain (ankle)
silili’iti adv. trickling (sound)
silolote iv. be drizzling (siloloti-)
silosiloti adv. drizzle (s. = sio)
silweela n. prune
simise’e interj. go away (sg.; pl. saka’avo’em)
simla adj. 1. happened, past 2. gone; Hunain yeu ~. It came to pass.
simtua tv. make leave
sina n. a cactus sp., crawling in habit (Stenocereus alamosanus)
sink n. sink
sio yuke iv. drizzle (syn. sihho’ote; s. = silosiloti)
siok yoene exp. cheer up, keep your chin up (said to a person who is sad or in mourning)
sioka iv. be lonely, sad (siok-, sisioka)
sioktua tv. hurt, make sad
siosioti adv. rusting sound (with hia)
siotia iv. hiss
sipa tv. cool it down (sipá’a-, sisipa)
sipe iv. get cool (sip-, sisipe)
siper n. zipper
sirko n. circus
sipepe’eti adv. the sound of big raindrops impacting; ~ yuku, be raining loudly
siririti adv. sound of sand or grains shifting or pouring; (syn. sisiti; used with hia)
sishuva iv. smell like stale urine
sisioka iv. get lonely, sad; cf. sioka
sisi’ibwa iv. be chapped (~-, no rdp.)
sisi’ibawala adj. chapped
sisia adv. smelling like the sea or ocean (with huva)
-sisime suf. go along doing (sg.; pl. -sasaka; ex., hi’ibwasisime, go along eating
sisime iv. hab. of siime; kia ~, wander off, have mental problems
sisivome, yee n. witch
sisiwooki n. iron, metal
sisteema n. system
sita1 n. young, developing corn ear
sita2 tv. sprinkle (with vaa, water)
sita’avau n. huevito (Vallesia glabra), an evergreen shrub used for drumsticks and for eyedrops
sitepo(lo) n. a plant sp.
sito’im n. jelly, gell
siuta tv. tear (~-, siusiuta)
siute iv. be torn (siuti-, siusiute)
siuti adj. torn apart
siutila adj. torn (var. siutia)
Siva Kovi n. Cliff Corner (Yaqui community near Yuma)
siviviti adv. whistling (any whistling sound; with hia)
sivo’oli n. tadpole
sivori adj. bewitched (therefore sick or listless)
siwe iv. grow (plants), sprout (siu-, sisiwe); aa ~ capable of growing; Im minaim aa siwe. Melons can
grow here.
soa tv. poke, prick, puncture (~-, sossoa); cf. hihsoa
soari adj. pricked
sochik n. bat (animal; bats are common in Yoeme myths and stories; in the story of how Voovok (Toad)
brought the rain back from Yuku (Rain) by borrowing Bat’s wings
soita tv. lift (~-, soisoita)
sokiktu iv. become hoarse
sokiktula iv. be hoarse temporarily (pst. sokituk, ~-, sosokiktu)
sola adj. transparent, glistening (s.; = soolai); vaiwa ~ voyoka (s.), lying fresh with dew
solaar n. property, land; Hunaman in hoara ~po. Over there (is) my home.
soliaroa iv. get sunstroke, heatstroke
sololoi adj. plastic; Puato ~to ya’ari. The dish is made of plastic.
solti adv. stealthily, sneaking, skulking
~ weye iv. sneak, skulk
sombriya n. umbrella
somo’ochia n. foam, suds, lather
sonasom n. disk rattle (an older usage; syn. sena’asom)
sontao n. soldier
sontaom n. army
sooda n. carbonated beverage, pop
soofa n. couch (sofaapo, on the couch)
sooka adj. in: chin ~, perennial cotton
sookte iv. come loose, fall apart (sookti-, soosookte)
soolai adj. sheer, see-through, transparent (s. sola)
alambre ~ n. wire mesh
taho’ori ~ n. sheer cloth
kari ~ n. transparent house
soonim n. dance tune (Pascola, Matachin, etc.), the unwritten music associated with the Deer, Pascola,
and Matachin dances (the alavansam is used from the beginning of the fiesta until midnight, when the
worlds turns; the kompania is used from then until dawn; and the partiyo is used from dawn until the end
of the ceremony)
Sooria n. Enchanted Mountain, southern boundary of the Yaqui lands
soosa n. plants of the nightshade family (Solanum sp.)
sooso iv., n. 1. iv. get stickers (sosó-, sosso) 2. n. thorn, sticker 3. n. bullheads, goat heads (plant)
soota iv. be paid (~-, sosota)
soovre n. envelope
soparoa n. enough, sufficient quantity; Inepo ~ta he’eka. I had enough to drink. A: Empo watek waata?
B: ~. A: Do you want some more? B: No. That’s enough.
sopi’ichim n. overripe fruit
sopo’ochi n. fallen saguaro fruit
soso’oki adj. pocked
sosoko adj. rough (surface), scaly (skin); ~k veákan, had rough skin
sosso rdp. of sooso, get stickers
sossoa rdp. of soa, poke
soto’i n. olla, pot, kettle (obj. soto’ota, comb. soto’o-)
soto’ote iv. make pottery
soute iv. go down (re: swelling; souti-, sousoute)
soute’ela n. magical deer
sova tv. roast (~-, sosova); cf. hisova
sovaroa tv. rub, massage (for health)
=su ptc. attached to any part of speech (cf. su, -suk)
1. as (attached to verbs); Aapo hi’ibwakasu tattek. As s/he was eating, s/he choked.
2. do, did (emphasis; attached to adverbs, pronouns, and nouns, especially in song language); may have
a sense of obligation; Vemposu aman katne, ta ka hunen ea. They should go there, but they won’t.
Itom to’osiika, isu yoyo anía (s.). It left us, this enchanted world. Sewailo malichi su siika. The
flowered fawn did go. San Huan San Pasihkota wiko’ita su kottak. St. John did break St. Francis’ bow.
Vempo su? And them (what about them)?
3. where; Davidsu? Where is Dave?
4. it is because; Aaposu ka hikkahaka woho’oriapo kom wechek. It is because s/he did not listen that
they fell into the hole. Aapo su lottila. Because s/he is tired (resp.). Aapo su siika. Because s/he went
5. question marker (may be used with the question marker haisa); Em maala su hoa’po katek? Is your
mother at home? Emesu haisa aane — kave ko’okoe? Is everyone well at your house?
6. what if; Huan Lupeta vichak su? What if John did see Lucy?
7. focus marker on adverbs (especially adverbs of location; ex.: che’ewasu, more and more; nausu,
really together; komsu, downward; Empo amansu wee’ean. You should go there. Notteka toloko
bwiapo komsu siika (s.). Returning, you did go down in the light blue earth.
sua1 tv. 1. kill 2. fish with a net (pl. obj.; sg. obj. me’a; ~-, sussua); AIDS itom ~. Aids is killing us.
sua2 tv. take care of, guard, watch over, protect (~-, susua); em ~. Take care (sg. addressee); ~’em.
Take care (pl. addressee); Hunaksan aapo hiva yu au susua. After that, s/he always took care of
themself. Emo e ~ne waka ka em ta’amta eu nokao. You be careful when a stranger talks to you.
suak adj. clever, smart, shrewd
suale tv. believe (sual-, susuale)
sualsi adv. believable
~ maachi iv. honest
sualwachi adj. trustful
sualwame n. belief
suame n. agent
suan- comb. of suawa, be watched
suatam vicha tv. butt in, interrupt
suate vicha tv. bother, disturb;
suatea iv. be uncomfortable, worried, concerned, anxious
suati adv. irritating
~ aane iv. be misbeha
~ eetua tv. irritate one
suatia tv. bother, disturb; Ka te a ~. Don’t bother us.
suatiachi adj. irritating
suatiachisi maachi iv. be irritating
suavusa iv., tv. 1. iv. wake up 2. tv. awaken (~-, suavuvusa; var. vusa); Ian ketwo ne ~k. This morning I
woke up. Ian ketwo ne in saela ~k. This morning I woke up my younger brother.
suawa iv. 1. be watched 2. be on probation (suan-, susuawa)
suawak in: kova ~, be intelligent
suawaka n. 1. meteorite 2. Meteorite, a supernatural being that descends as a meteorite to earth to
protect people from chupiarim (he is a short, fat dwarf and the son-in-law of Yuku, Rain; he carries a
rainbow in his hand and strike the chupiarim from above, usually striking mountains in which they dwell)
suawame1 n. slaughter, killing
suawame2 n. protection
sueram n. sweater
suerom n. IV (intravenous food and/or medication)
suerte n. luck
suertek iv. be lucky
-suk suf. perfect tense marker; Hesus haivu hi’ibwasuk. Jesus has already eaten.
suka adj. warm
suka yoene exp. warm yourself, come in and warm yourself
sukaria tv. warm (~-, sukkaria)
sukawa n. warmth
sukawe iv. warm one’s self (sukau-, rdp. susukawe, sukkawe)
suke tv. scratch (pst. susukuk, susuk-, sussuke)
sukkai adj. warm
-sula suf. habitual tense marker; Inepo huyapo weamsula. I have (often) walked in the woods.
suluú- comb. of suulu, slip
sulumai n. a marine bird sp. that slides into the water
sulwachi adj. var. of sunwachi, horrible; ~ si aane. He’s acting dangerously, foolishly.
sum- comb. of suume, sink
suma tv. tie (sumá’a-, susuma)
suma’i adj. tied; pahko ~, one obligated to give a ceremony (syn. pahko sumawakame)
sumawakame n. one who is tied
pahko ~, one obligated to give a ceremony (syn. pahko suma’i)
suma’ariam n. bandage
sumeiya tv. be afraid or suspicious of (of = d.o.); Apo enchi ~. S/he is suspicious of you.
sumia iv. be flat (tire; pst. sumuk, went flat)
sumuk pst. of sumia, go flat (tire)
sunsunte iv. crawl (re: caterpillar, inchworm), be stretchable; cf. vo’osime, waka’anama, waka’ate
sunsunti adv. swiftly (with weye)
sunwachi iv. horrible, fierce, frightening
supem n. shirt, blouse
supete iv. put on shirt or dress (~-; cf. wokte); vepa ~, put on a shirt of blouse
supetua tv. dress one
supe yecha iv. undress (pl. supem watta)
Surem n. 1. the ancestors of the Yoeme (at the time of the Talking Tree, many people stayed, but those
who did not wish to be baptized and remain in a world that would change greatly left into the hills, caves,
and ocean, becoming insects, animals; those who left became immortal, while those who stayed to be
baptized became mortal; a dance of farewell was held by the ones who left 2. the susuakame (fig.)
suru bwikam n. messenger songs
sussuale iv. believe in certain things (with hita)
susuakame n. intelligentsia, intellectuals; cf. surem
susuame n. caretaker, care provider
chivam ~ n. goat-herd
bwalam ~ n. sheepherder
susukipo n. wound (from scratching, mauling)
susukuk pst. of suke, scratch
susuluwa’apo in: kom ~ n. slide (playground)
susuta tv. dip
sutala adv. with legs extended
sutoha tv. 1. leave, abandon 2. release
sutsutti adv. chugging (with weye)
sutta adv. with legs extended straight out (with wokek)
sutta’a adv. forcefully
~ chochona tv. hit someone with one’s fist; cf. sutti
~ veévak tv. really hit her/him/it hard
sutte tv. stretch (legs, arms)
vata ~ iv. have a rash in one’s crotch
sutti adv. with maximum impact; cf. sutta’a
~ kochok iv. be bushed, zonked, fatigued
sutum n. nail (body part), hoof, claw; maso ~, deer hooves; misi ~, cat claws
sutu’ura n. a shrub sp.
suulu iv. slide, slip (sulú-, susulu; ex.: va’apo ~, slide into the water)
suume iv. sink (; of water, tide, reservoire; pst. suumuk, sum-, susume); cf. ropte, wo’okte
suumeiya tv. frightened of; Aapo taewalita ~. S/he is afraid of the day.
suumuk pst. of suume, sink
suut n. suit (clothing)
suuta tv. penetrate, insert into, shove in (~-, suusuta); Yaavem puetapo ~. The key is stuck in the door.
Apo yaavem lakimpo ~k. S/he stuck the key in the lock.
suva’i n. quail (var. suva’u, s. suwali)
suva’u n. quail (var. suva’i)
suwali n. quail (s.; = suva’i, suva’u)
suvina tv. end, finish up, terminate (suvin-, suvvina)