-‘e suf. added to verbs to form singular commands (pl. -’em); ex. Ume siali livrom neu bwise’e. Hand
me the green book(s). Hita nooka’e. Say something (sg.). Hita nooka’em. Say something.
-‘ean suf. should be, if only; Aaposu nok’ean. S/he should be the one to speak. Aapo hi’osia ta’a’ean. If
only s/he could read. Hita te bwa’ean. Let’s have something to eat. Vemposu aman kat’ean, ta ka
hunen ea. They should go, but they won’t. Ne tomek aman wée’ean. If I had the money I would go.
-’em suf. added to verbs to form plural commands; ex. Bwise’em. You (pl.) hand it over.
-e1 suf. with (instrumental; sg.; the pl. is -mea); ex. kutae, with a stick
-e2 suf. 1. possessive case marker (on demonstratives) 2. with person markers used with amapo ‘behind’
and vichapo ‘in front of (no motion’) (ne, ee, ae; the pl. forms are irregular: itom, enchim, vemppo’im,
the objective forms serving this function); U hamut ae amapo katek. The woman is sitting behind
-ek suf. have (added to nouns, replacing final vowel; pst. -ekan, fut. -ne); ex. karek, have a house (pst.
karekan, fut. karine)
e pn. you (sg.; = empo; with postposition vetchi’ivo); Alamachi, pahko’ola, tua e sumwachim wokek.
Keep it up, Pascola, you’re dancing up a storm.
e”ea iv. hab. of ea, think
e”eeria rdp. of e’eria, put away
e”eusiwa’apo n. hideout, hiding place
e’e interj. no; A: Haisa yuke? B: ~, ka yuke. A: Is it raining? B: No, it’s not. A: Haisa sapawetne? B: ~,
ka sapawetne. A: Is it going to hail? B: No, it’s not.
e’eria tv. put away for safe keeping, save up (~-, e”eeria); Tomita ~ne. (I) will save some money.
e’eriari n. reserve, savings, cache
e’etbwame n. thief
e’ete iv. belch, burp (e’eti-, ee’e’ete)
e’etehome n. 1. storyteller 2. speaker, orator
ea1 pn. of you (sg.; with verbs chihakte, rohikte, tiiwe)
ea2 iv. think, feel like (pst. ean, fut.eene, e-, hab. e”ea; cf. machia, pensaroa); esuk, had thought;
hiokot ~, feel miserable; ka hunen ~, iv. change one’s mind; Ka a ~po ama yeu siika. It didn’t come out
the way he wanted it to. Aman katvaen ta vesa ka hunen e”eak. (They) were thinking of going there,
but they changed their minds. Vemposu aman kat’ean, ta ka hunen ~. They should go, but they won’t.
Aapo karota hinuvaeka ~n. S/he was thinking of buying a car. Aapo haisa tua eene? B: Heitu. A: What
will s/he feel like/be thinking? B: I don’t know.
a ~o hoa iv. be inconsiderate, do as one pleases
aet ~ iv. depend on (on = aet)
aman ~ tv. decide; aman wéevaeka ~, I decided to go
ka tu’isi ~ iv. worry, fret
nau ~ iv. agree (share views)
tevei ~k iv. that’s the way s/he is; Tevei eak numukne. He’s always drinking.
ean pst. of ea, think
echi pn. at/on you (sg.)
echimu n. seed (for planting)
echo n. cardon cactus (Pachycereus pectenaboriginum; has rounded spines all around, and used as a
hair brush after the spine tips are burned off)
~ taakam, cardon fruits
ee pn. you (sg.; with the postpositions vichapo, amapo)
ee’e’ete rdp. of e’ete belch
eecha tv. plant (et-, e’echa); Meecha tapuniak etni. When the moon is full, we’ll plant.
eechi iv., n. 1. iv. be planted 2. n. plant
eene fut. of ea, think
eepat pn. in front of, ahead of you (sg.; with verbs of motion)
eerim n. thoughts
eesukim n. sugar ants
eetana pn. from, alongside you (sg.)
eete iv. belch, burp (eeti-, ee’e’ete; fut. may be used as rdp.); Na’aso va’awa yee e’etitua. Orange juice
makes people burp (syn. Na’aso va’awa sep yee eetituane).
eetua tv. make suffer, make think
eetuame n. stimulus
eewame n. thought, idea
nau ~ n. unity
eeye n. red ant
ehea n. ironwood (Olneya tesota)
ehkaleam n. ladder
ehkalonim n. steps (stairs)
ehkina n. corner
ehkuela n. school
~ siime, go to school; Severiapo apo ehkuekuela. In the winter s/he goes to school.
ehkusao n. toilet, bathroom
ehootem n. green beans
ehpam n. sword
ehpeeko n. mirror
Ehpirito Santo n. Holy Spirit
ehso tv. hide, conceal (~-, e’ehso); e’ehsonpo, where they used to hide
ehtaka n. stake
ehtapia n. stamp
ehtapiaroa tv. stamp
ehtasión n. station
tren ~ n. train station
~m n. the Stations of the Cross
ehtasionaroa tv. park (vehicle; Son., cf. parkiaroa)
ehtudiaroa tv. study (in order to learn; cf. mammate)
ehtuufa n. stove
eiya tv. care for, love (~-, e’eiya); In maala/ae ne ~. I love my mother. In achai/hapchi ne ~. I love my
father. Hunuen ne am ~n. I thought about them.
ka yoem ~ machi iv. be untrustworthy, unreliable
yoem ~ tv. trust people
-ek suf. have (added to nouns, replacing final vowel; pst. -ekan, fut. -ne); ex. karek, have a house (pst.
karekan, fut. karine)
ekala adv. sitting with one’s legs open (syn. ekka)
ekka adv. sitting with one’s legs open (syn. ekala)
ela’apo adv., interj. let (cf. ela’aposu)
1. adv. let, permit; Itepo nau ea uusim vétana ~ vempo tekipanoane. We agree that the children may
work. ~ eu omtine ta kat monte. Let him be mad at you, but don’t say anything.
2. interj. so, …/so what?; A: Empo ko’okoe wetne. B: ~. A: You’ll get sick. B: So what?
Diosta ~ exp. God willing
ela’aposu adv. let; ~ hibwane. Let it eat. ~ vat weene. Let him go first.
elefante n. elephant
elektrisita n. electricity (syn. tahi)
elesiiki n. something that itches (rdp. e’elesiikia)
elesiikile iv. itch (pst. ~n, elesiikili-); In mamam ~ kavaekakai ne am wo’oke. My hands itch so I must
scratch them.
elevéitor n. elevator
elevena adv. like you
elevenasia adv. in your manner
em pn. you (pl.; sg. empo)
emak pn. with you (sg.; comitative)
emepola pn. yourselves, you yourselves (var. empopola)
emo pn. you (pl. obj.; with postposition vetchi’ivo); your (pl.); yourself (pl.); herself, himself, themselves
~ tu’ule iv. be having sex (cf. haana)
~ yeewawame iv. be fondling, carressing; Wate haivu emo yewawamta ta’a. Some already know how to
emoa pn. of you (pl.; with verbs ichakte, rohikte, tiiwe)
emochi pn. at/on you (pl.)
emopat pn. in front of you (pl.; with verbs of motion)
emot pn. at/on you (pl.)
émotana pn. from, alongside you (pl.)
emou pn. toward you (pl.)
épale interj. stop it, cut it out (to children; , e’e bale, no little boy; now used with children of both sexes)
empo pn. you (sg.; pl. em, enchim; syn. che, e, sem)
empola pn. yourself, you yourself
empopola var. of emepola, you yourselves
emvuudo n. funnel
enchi pn. you (sg. obj.)
enchiladam n. enchilada
enchim pn. you (pl.; sg. empo; syn. chem, em, sem)
enchimmak pn. with you (pl.)
enchimmet pn. at/one you (pl.)
enchimto pn. from you (pl.)
enchito pn. from you (sg.)
Enero n. January
enkaahe n. lace
ensalada n. salad
envidiak iv. be envious of; U Maria tu’isi Susanatat ~. Mary is envious of Susan.
eoktiachisi adv. smell foul, offensive
~ huwa iv. stink
~ maachi iv. seem offensive
eo’otea iv. be nauseated (pst. ~n, eo’ote’e-, eo’ote”ea); eo’oteo, when nauseated
epasoote n. epazote (Cheopodium ambrosioides)
epat postp. in front of you
erawen tv. expect, predict (erawi-, no rdp.); Ka te enchi ~n. We weren’t expecting you.
erensia n. heritage (often used in sermons to denote what the Yoemem have inherited culturally and
should preserve as God-given); Emo waka yo’ora lutu’uriata, polove ~ta hakwosa iat tiempopo
waata. You want the elders’ truth, the poor inheritance from the past.
Eskatel n. Scottsdale
et pn. at/on you (sg.)
eta tv. close (etá’a-, e’eta)
eta’ana tv. lock up, jail
eta’i adj. 1. closed 2. imprisoned, in custody
etahte tv. crack (etahti-, e’etahte)
etahtia adj. cracked
etapo tv. open up (~-, ettapo)
etapoi adj. open
etbwa tv. 1. steal 2. kidnap (~-, e’etbwa)
~ vicha tv. spy on
~ vichame n. spy
~ vitchu iv. be peeking
etbwaim n. hostage, stolen item
etbwareo n. bandit, thief
etbwari n. stolen item
etbwaria dv. steal from
etbwawa iv. be stolen
ete n. louse
ete’a n. one who always has headlice
eteo- comb. of eteho, speak
eteoreo n. storyteller; U yoem yo’owe si tu’i ~. The elder man is a very good storyteller.
eteori n. narration, storytelling; Um Yoem ~po u Yuku Namuta huvek. In Yoeme storytelling, Rain has
Cloud as a wife.
eteho iv. speak, talk (eteo-, e’eteho); Inime waka hua ániata vichau vicha. These (are the ones who)
are bringing up the talk about the wilderness world. Vempo tekilta nau ~. They’re talking about work.
Yoem nokpo te etehoim eteone. We will tell Yoeme stories.
etehoi n. 1. story, myth, legend 2. speech
kia ~ n. story, tale (for entertainment)
etehoreo n. storyteller
etehowa n. meeting
etehowame n. conversation
etem n. lice, fleas (on animals)
eteme iv. delouse (etem-, etteme)
etleo n. farmer
etta n. plantation (what is planted)
~ tavokta, gather in the harvest
etwa n. planting, planting time
etwame n. agriculture, horticulture
eu pn,. to/into/beside/from you (sg.)
~ hoa iv. do as one pleases; cf. -u, -wi
~ kechia exmp to you as well (resp.)
euse iv. hide one’s self (eusi-, e’euse)
eusi adv. secretly
~ katek iv. hiding out in back (pl. eusi hooka)
eusila adj. hidden
eusise iv. go to hide (pl. eusivo)
eusu postp. with you, to you
evanheelio n. gospel
eye’ekoe n. millipede